i used to joke that my last name was "with habitat." i always was introducing my self as "jessica, with habitat." the thought of trading in my last name for a new one was incredibly frightening. i had so ingrained my persona around my work with habitat. not being on staff anymore made me feel like i was leaving the cool kids table at the cafeteria.
this weekend as i became a true habitat volunteer and spent the morning painting in the glorious florida sunshine, a little voice in my head kept saying "it had to be."
it was a peaceful thought after a lot of struggle and a big dose of change. to know that the choices i had made were right and good and fit in my life puzzle.
and being a volunteer was wonderful. it felt good to commit my saturday morning to something i believe in, not just something i get paid for. standing in the sunshine painting baseboards all morning was a joy. then i took my "little" out to the library (first time i've been in 4 years, long story), to sonic where we pigged out, and to the beach to make a sandcastle. in january.

and i thanked my lucky stars for all of the pieces that have come together to put me where i am today and i know, it had to be, and it will be okay. great, even.
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