in two saturdays, i ran two races with two very different experiences and outcomes.
last saturday, i ran Disney's Tower of Terror 10 Miler. as to be expected in Disney World, it was magical. all the stars aligned and a cool front rolled in an hour before the 10pm start and i was assigned an early starting corral which is essential in a race with 10,000 runners. i couldn't wait to start running and as soon as i did, each mile ticked off faster than the last. i was on the epitome of a runner's high as i crossed the finish line in 1:28:25.
with a pace of 8:42 in the ten miler, my goal of a sub two hour half marathon seemed within reach. fast forward to this saturday. i kept my legs fresh through the week and loaded up on plenty of carbs (aka pigged out). as i toed the starting line, i felt fairly sure i could pull it off. but at a steamy 80+ degrees at 7am and the added challenge of the bridges (florida for "hill") doubt crept in slowly and by mile seven, i thought i'd be lucky to even finish. it was a complete struggle but thanks to a friend pulling me along, i finished in 2:04:57.
i went home discouraged and exhausted. my finishing time was only 51 seconds off a personal best but it had felt 51 times harder. i doubted my abilities and considered finding another sport. but after a long shower and a big bowl of mac and cheese i found some perspective.
i'm lucky to be able to run a mile, much less 13.1. i'm fortunate to be able to run through disney or along the beachside in this beautiful town. i have friends and family who applauded both efforts, regardless of their outcomes. two hours and five minutes is better than not finishing which is even better than never starting.
running fills me up and empties me out in the best way possible. it provides a sense of accomplishment even when nothing else seems to be going right. i have had some of my best ideas and solved some of my hardest problems on a run. running connects me with an awesome community. it keeps me sane. it makes me happy.
and yes, i'll be back for more.