since i haven't had any major running revelations since the last post (don't fret, i've done many miles since then) i thought i would expand on my belief in the habitat mission.
i was blessed with many wonderful friends in college. one in particular helped change the path of my life and i'm so grateful for chalee, who i first met at rugby when we both briefly "played". chalee was always involved in something on campus, doing good for others. that year, she was leading the spring break trip to work for Habitat in miami. $150 for a week in miami? count me in.
we spent that week painting window frames, scraping the paint, repainting the frames, and cleaning our paint brushes. we stayed in a house with no furniture and two bathrooms for 16 people. not very glamorous, but i was hooked. the next year i went to jacksonville and my senior year i led a trip to flagler beach.
flagler beach build |
in jacksonville i met americorps member who lived in a Habitat house and worked for the affiliate for a living stipend and an educational award. i set a goal to do a year of service after graduation and i did from 2007-2008 at indian river Habitat and i've been here ever since. even though i'm a paid staffer now i still like to get out on the build site and have participated in builds in mississippi, texas, georgia and iowa. each time more blessed than the last.
i build for the families. i was fortunate enough to grow up in a safe, cozy, stable home. not everyone is that lucky. a Habitat home gives a family a chance for stability. it gives kids a place to call home. a room of their own. i'm helping build their "forever home." how neat.
my little friend from africa checks out the view from his first very own room |
i build because it challenges me. roofs scares me but i get up there because getting outside of your comfort zone is important. saturday i nailed through metal. a feat i thought impossible but with a little patience and some perseverance (and a very tired arm) i finished more than i thought i could. i'm always amazed how much i can do when i just keep trying. what important life lessons.
i build because the people i've met. i've made some wonderful friends on site. i've met the families whose stories made me grateful for my own family.
i build to see the fruits of my labor. i build every home as if it was my own.
i build because doing for others actually does more for me.
i build to give someone else a brighter future. because building has given me a brighter one.
so this saturday, on my 27th birthday, i will build and challenge all my friends to build with me (wherever you are!) because i can't think of a better way to celebrate life than to help improve others. i'm also going to add building overseas to my bucket list.
what will
you build?